RTM and Hiring/Retaining Staff

Are you struggling to hire and retain PTs and OTs? If yes, keep reading. If no, congratulations! And we want to meet you.

How could Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) help the US close the gap between the demand for Rehab (PT, OT, and SLP) and the supply of therapists?

Side note, if you haven't looked into the increasing gap, you should, TLDR it's not pretty.

Why is that happening? A theory of mine is that one factor is the cost to become a PT or DPT is rising which scares off potential PTs. Assuming that's true how could that be fixed?

We are working with practices now to establish a bonus structure for RTM success for their therapists, however, some leaders are worried that $10/patient/month might not feel meaningful enough to a therapist. Fair point.

Then we looked at it a different way. What would it mean for student loan repayment if a PT was able to have an average of 25 billable patients per month? The answer - Paying off student loans 5 years and 5 months quicker.

If you think this would help your recruiting and retention efforts let me know and we will discuss.


Is Remote Therapeutic Monitoring here to stay? Is it sustainable?


Why mobility matters