Why do I need more tech in my practice again?

Heard from the market this week - “I don’t understand why I need tech to do this?”

For the Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) codes an Software as a Medical Device (SaMD) is required so that was an easy one…

After digging in the real question was - “why can’t my providers just develop relationships with my patients without tech?”

First, with the reimbursement landscape changes it’s nearly impossible to do that for an in network practice.

Second, the time spent documenting to meet payer requirements and arguing with insurance on behalf of the patient isn’t value add to the patient. I can speak from experience that I, as a patient, don’t even know this is happening.

Third, why would you make them?

Why would you voluntarily pass up opportunities to take friction out of your system?

Friction makes scheduling the eval harder, convincing the patient to complete their visits more difficult, and greatly threatens the chance to reactivate that patient later.

Maybe it’s the time I spent in the oil fields, supply chain, and manufacturing facilities that’s biasing my opinion - but these are all systems.

If your system has imbedded friction between your patients and providers then there will be churn. Patient churn and provider churn.

Technology is a great way to take friction out of the system and make experiences magical.

If you want to take friction out of the patient engagement and relationship building process let me know,
SaRA Health - Stress Free RTM we can help.

Oh, and you’ll put more profit into the system too…


A flip phone shouldn't preclude someone from quality care


Is Remote Therapeutic Monitoring here to stay? Is it sustainable?