SaRA Health improves patient outcomes and practice margins

The SaRA Health team, in combination with our partners at a practice in Minnesota ran a retrospective analysis of non-SaRA/RTM patients and patients who were given SaRA/RTM to determine the impact of SaRA on a variety of patient and practice metrics. In short, SaRA helps achieve the Triple Aim, and based on clinician feedback, Quadruple Aim. The results are below.

Patient Visits: Non-RTM Patients on average took 2.3 fewer visits than FOTO* expected while RTM patients took 4.6 fewer visits.

Patient Outcomes: Non-RTM Patients on average achieved 14.9 more points of change than expected while RTM patients achieved 26.4 more points of change.

Patient Cost: Non-RTM patients cost of care was $230 less than FOTO expected while RTM patients cost of care was $357 less than FOTO expected.

Margin per episode: We believe that the RTM patients contributed $239 in margin per episode vs. $192 in margin per episode in the non-RTM patients. Meaning RTM patients are likely more profitable for a practice by a substantial amount.


•Visit Cost/Revenue: $100

•Visit Margin: $20

•RTM Cost/Revenue: $70

•RTM Margin $40

•RTM Adoption: 70%

•Only billing for 98975 and 98977 (no timed codes)


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